
Course MA2C02 - Mathematics

Lecture Notes for the Academic Year 2012-13

The module includes the following sections:-

Assignments for Hilary Term 2013

Lecture Notes for the Academic Year 2011-12

The module includes the following sections:-

Assignments for Hilary Term 2012

Lecture Notes for the Academic Year 2010-11

The module includes the following sections (together with other material not yet available in final form online):-

Assignments for Hilary Term 2011

Lecture Notes for the Academic Year 2009-10

The module includes the following sections (together with other material not yet available in final form online):-

Assignments for Hilary Term 2010

Material relating to the mathematics module taken by second year students of Computer Science in the period 2000--09 is to be found here.

Lecture notes for undergraduate courses

Dr. David R. Wilkins
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland