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Single Honors Mathematics: Senior Sophister year

During their Senior Sophister year, students take the yearlong Mathematics project MAU44M00 and 50 ECTS credits of optional modules divided equally between the two semesters. They are allowed to take any number of Mathematics modules and up to 10 ECTS credits of Computer Science modules per semester. A precise list of the available options is given below. Unless indicated otherwise, each module is worth 5 ECTS credits.

Yearlong Mathematics Modules

Semester 1 Mathematics Modules

Semester 1 Other Modules

Semester 2 Mathematics Modules

Semester 2 Other Modules

General regulations for undergraduate students

The general regulations that apply to all undergraduate students are outlined in the College Calendar (Part II). The following is only a brief summary of some important points and it is not meant to either replace or override the information in the College Calendar.

  • All students must register for 60 ECTS credits and those must be divided equally between the two terms.
  • Students will only be assessed on their registered modules.
  • Results for examinations are published according to the following grades: I = 70 to 100, II.1 = 60 to 69, II.2 = 50 to 59, III = 40 to 49, F1 = 30 to 39, F2 = 0 to 29.
  • In order to pass an individual module, students must achieve an overall score of 40% or higher.
  • In order to pass the year, students must achieve an overall credit-weighted average of 40% and EITHER
    • pass each of their modules (by achieving 40% or higher in each of their modules) OR
    • pass by compensation (by achieving 40% or higher in modules that are worth at least 50 ECTS credits and by achieving 35% or higher in their remaining modules).
  • Students who do not pass the year at the end of the Hilary term are required to present for reassessment at the beginning of the next Michaelmas term. These students will be reassessed in all failed components of the modules for which they obtained a score below 40%.
  • Students who do not manage to pass the year at the reassessment session must repeat the year in full (i.e., they must repeat all their modules and all their assessment components).

These regulations apply since the academic year 2018/19.

Sources of Information

The University of Dublin Calendar

All courses within Trinity College are administered in accordance with the regulations set out in the The University of Dublin Calendar which is published annually. The section of the Calendar setting out the general regulations of the College is published separately in the booklet General Regulations and Information and Board Statement on Safety which is distributed to all students on admission to College.

Important information

Please note that The University of Dublin Calendar should be consulted for definitive information about the rules, regulations, and activities of the University.