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General regulations for undergraduate students

The general regulations that apply to all undergraduate students are outlined in the College Calendar (Part II). The following is only a brief summary of some important points and it is not meant to either replace or override the information in the College Calendar.

Exams at Trinity

All mathematics exams are arranged by the Exams Office in the Academic Registry, while the exam timetable is usually published about a month before each examination period.

Students may consult the academic year structure for precise dates about the examination periods and the publication of their results.

All students should become familiar with the general guidelines that apply to all exams. In particular, they should know their anonymous exam number, and they should bring their Trinity ID card to each of their exams for identification purposes.

Past exam papers are available through the Academic Registry web page.

Marks and results

Results at Trinity are normally stated using both a letter grade and a percentage mark. The correspondence between grades and marks is outlined in the following table.

Grade I II-1 II-2 III F1 F2
Percentage 70-100 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 0-29

Students receive an overall mark at the end of each academic year. This is computed as the credit-weighted average over all modules taken that year.

At the end of their studies, students also receive an award mark which corresponds to the overall result for their degree. This is computed as a weighted average of their third-year overall mark, weighted at 30%, and their fourth-year overall mark, weighted at 70%.

Progression rules

In order to pass an individual module, students must achieve an overall score of 40% or higher.

In order to pass the year, students must achieve an overall mark (credit-weighted average) of 40% or higher, and they must EITHER

  • pass all their modules (by achieving 40% or higher in each of their modules) OR
  • pass by compensation (by achieving 40% or higher in modules that are worth 50 ECTS credits and by achieving 35% or higher in the remaining modules).

Students who do not manage to pass the year during the exam period at the end of Semester 2 will have a second attempt to pass the year during the reassessment period. These students will need to be reassessed in all failed components of all modules for which they obtained a score below 40%. The usual rules for progression, such as passing by compensation, remain applicable during the reassessment period as well.

Students who do not manage to pass the year during the reassessment period are normally expected to repeat the year in full, (i.e., to repeat all their modules and all their assessment components).