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Analysis Seminar Archive for 1994-95

Wednesday October 12th, 1994 (place: UCD F209 ) 4.00pm

Speaker: R. Soraggi (Brazil)
Title:Fourier analysis on Colombeau algebras I

Tuesday October 18th, 1994 (place: TCD 2.6 ) 2.30pm

Speaker: R. Soraggi (Rio de Janeiro)
Title:Fourier analysis on Colombeau algebras II

Tuesday October 18th, 1994 (place: TCD 2.6 ) 4.00

Speaker: R. Timoney
Title:A survey of some recent results in JB*-triples

Tuesday 25th October (place: UCD F209 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: P. McCarthy
Title:Interval structures associated with maximal functions

Tuesday 25th October (place: UCD F209 ) 4.20

Speaker: P. Mellon
Title:The Dunford Pettis property for JB*-triples I

Tuesday 1st November (place: TCD 2.6 ) 2.30pm

Speaker: S. Buckley
Title:Harnack inequalities for solutions of elliptic equations

Tuesday 1st November (place: TCD 2.6 ) 4.00

Speaker: S. Dineen
Title:Spaces of polynomials containing $c_0$ I

Tuesday 8th November (place: UCD F209 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: S. Gardiner
Title:Representations of continuous functions as sums of Green functions

Tuesday 8th November (place: UCD F209 ) 4.20

Speaker: J. Gutierrez
Title:Completely continuous polynomials between Banach spaces

Tuesday 15th November (place: TCD 2.6 ) 2.30pm

Speaker: P. Mellon
Title:The Dunford Pettis property for JB*-triples II

Tuesday 15th November (place: TCD 2.6 ) 4.00

Speaker: C. Watt
Title:Totally horizontal complex curves

Tuesday 22nd November (place: UCD F209 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: S. Dineen
Title:Spaces of polynomials containing $c_0$ II

Tuesday 22nd November (place: UCD F209 ) 4.20

Speaker: A. O'Shea
Title:Diophantine approximation and value distribution theory

Tuesday 29th November (place: TCD 2.6 ) 2.30pm

Speaker: R. Timoney

Tuesday 29th November (place: TCD 2.6 ) 4.00

Speaker: E. Bach
Title:Least squares for pairs of operators

Tuesday 6th December (place: UCD F209 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: S. Ziesler
Title:The Bochner-Riesz operator associated to flat curves

Tuesday 6th December (place: UCD F209 ) 4.20

Speaker: M. Yoshida
Title:Continuation of holomorphic mappings with values in a complex Lie group

Tuesday 17th January, 1995 (place: TCD 2.6 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: S. Ziesler
Title:The Bochner-Riesz operator associated to flat curves II

Tuesday 24th January, 1995 (place: UCD F209 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: S. Ziesler
Title:The Bochner-Riesz operator associated to flat curves III

Tuesday 24th January, 1995 (place: UCD F209 ) 4.20

Speaker: S. Buckley
Title:Fractional Differentiation and Integration on Bergman spaces

Tuesday 31st January 1995 (place: TCD 2.6 ) 2.30pm

Speaker: T. Murphy
Title:Grothendieck's ``Dessins d'enfants"

Tuesday 31st January 1995 (place: TCD 2.6 ) 4.00

Speaker: R. Timoney
Title:A generalisation of the Kahane-Khinchine inequality due to Ullrich

Tuesday February 7th (place: UCD F209 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: S. Buckley
Title:The geometry of Sobolev-Poincare domains

Tuesday February 7th (place: UCD F209 ) 4.20

Speaker: S. Dineen
Title:Vector-valued interpolation

Tuesday February 14th (place: TCD 2.6 ) 4.00pm

Speaker: S. Dineen
Title:Vector-valued interpolation II

Tuesday February 21st (place: UCD F209 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: S. Gardner
Title:Harmonic approximation with continuous extension to the boundary

Tuesday February 21st (place: UCD F209 ) 4.20

Speaker: A. O'Shea
Title:Some applications of Nevanlinna theory to the theory of holomorphic curves

Tuesday February 28th (place: TCD 2.6 ) 2.30pm

Speaker: P. McCarthy

Tuesday February 28th (place: TCD 2.6 ) 4.00

Speaker: C. Watt
Title:Finsler geometry of complex manifolds

Tuesday March 7th (place: UCD F209 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: R. Timoney
Title:Holomorphic maps and distance to the boundary

Tuesday March 7th (place: UCD F209 ) 4.20

Speaker: E. Bach
Title:Application of analytic techniques to solve matrix equations -- towards a matrix-valued calculus of variations

Tuesday 18th April, 1995 (place: UCD F209 ) 4.00pm

Speaker: S. Dineen
Title:Singular sets of holomorphic functions, I

Tuesday 25th April, 1995 (place: TCD 2.6 ) 2.30pm

Speaker: S. Ziesler
Title:Restriction theorems for the Fourier transform

Tuesday 25th April, 1995 (place: TCD 2.6 ) 4.00

Speaker: S. Dineen
Title:Singular sets of holomorphic functions, II

Tuesday May 2nd, 1995 (place: UCD F209 ) 3.00pm

Speaker: C. Watt
Title:Horizontal holomorphic disks in complex Finsler manifolds

Tuesday May 2nd, 1995 (place: UCD F209 ) 4.20

Speaker: T. West
Title:Stochastic matrics

Tuesday May 9th, 1995 (place: TCD 2.6 ) 2.30pm

Speaker: P. Mellon
Title:Iteration of holomorphic functions in ${\mathbb C}^n$

Tuesday May 9th, 1995 (place: TCD 2.6 ) 4.00

Speaker: S. Gardiner
Title:The Lusin-Privalov theorem for subharmonic functions

S. Dineen, R. Timoney.