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Mathematics Moderatorship 2016-17

Senior Sophister Year

SS Mathematics students take a total of 60 ECTS credits which may include a project (or dissertation). Half the credits excluding the dissertation should be taken in each term. Unless indicated otherwise, each module is worth 5 credits.

All module choices are subject to them being possible within the timetable.

Michaelmas term

Appropriate approved modules offered by other Schools in College may be substituted for advanced level modules listed above up to a maximum of 10 credits per term. See below for a list of modules that are already approved.

Hilary term

Appropriate approved modules offered by other Schools in College may be substituted for advanced level modules listed above up to a maximum of 10 credits per term. See below for a list of modules that are already approved.

Year long modules

Approved additional modules

Michaelmas term

Computer science options may have additional prerequisites and students should check that they have the appropriate background. See or for more information.

Hilary term

None at the moment.

Sources of Information

The University of Dublin Calendar

All courses within Trinity College are administered in accordance with the regulations set out in the The University of Dublin Calendar which is published annually. The section of the Calendar setting out the general regulations of the College is published separately in the booklet General Regulations and Information and Board Statement on Safety which is distributed to all students on admission to College.

Important information

Please note that The University of Dublin Calendar should be consulted for definitive information about the rules, regulations, and activities of the University.