University of Dublin
Trinity College

Department of
Pure and Applied Mathematics
TCD Course Directory

TCD Mathematics

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Details of courses for

Mathematics Moderatorship 2001-02
Mathematics in Two-Subject Moderatorship 2001-02 (for the all combinations except Mathematics + Economics)
Mathematics (for the combination Mathematics + Economics) in Two-Subject Moderatorship 2001-02
Mathematics in the Theoretical Physics Moderatorship 2001-02

Mathematics for Science Students 2001-02
Mathematics for Engineering and MSISS Students 2001-02
Mathematics for BA in Computer Science Students 2001-02
Mathematics for Evening Students 2001-02
Graduate Courses in Mathematics 2001-02

Archive of Mathematics Courses in 2000-01

Mathematics Moderatorship 2001-02

Junior Freshman Year (Group I)

061 Practical computing 1 Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Murphy
111 Algebra 1 Lecturer: Dr. Donal O'Donovan
121 Analysis 1 (PDF description of 121) Lecturer: Prof. Trevor West
131 Mathematical Methods 1 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
141 Mechanics 1 Lecturer: Dr. Michael Fry
151 Statistics and Probability 1 (PDF description of 151) Lecturer: Eamonn Mullins (Statistics)
161 Computation 1 (PDF description of 161) Lecturer: Dr. Sinéad Ryan

All courses must be taken.

Senior Freshman Year (Group II)

211 Algebra 2 (PDF description of 211) Lecturer: Prof. David Simms
212 Metric spaces and topology (PDF description of 212) Lecturer: Dr. Elisabetta Beltrami
221 Analysis 2 Lecturer: Prof. David Simms
231 Methods 2 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
241 Mechanics 2 (PDF description of 241) Lecturers: Professor Siddhartha Sen, Dr. Ivo Sachs
251 Statistics and Probability 2 (PDF description of 251) Lecturer: Dr. Krysztof Mosurski (Statistics)
261 Numerical analysis (PDF description of 261) Lecturer: Dr. Sinéad Ryan
262 Computer Science 2 Lecturer: Glenn Strong (Computer Science)

Courses 211, 221 and 231 are required and 3 others must be chosen.

Sophister Years (Group III)

In the Junior Sophister year Mathematics students take 5 group III courses or the two group II courses they did not take in the Senior Freshman year together with 4 group III courses.

In the Senior Sophister year, students take 5 group III courses.

This year's group III options are as follows.

311 Abstract algebra (PDF description of 311) Lecturer: Dr. David Wilkins
362 Computer Engineering Lecturers: David Bell (Computer Science), Prof. Pádraig Cunningham (Computer Science)
363 Algorithms and complexity Lecturer: Dr. Colm Ó Dúnlaing
372 Microprocessor systems; systems software Lecturers: Michael Brady (Computer Science), David Eadie (Computer Science)
373 Finite fields and coding theory (PDF description of 373) Lecturers: Dr. Timothy Murphy, Dr. Michael Purser
376 Numerical simulation of physical systems; computer aided design (PDF description of 376) Lecturers: Dr. Mike Peardon, Prof. Francis Neelamkavil (Computer Science)
381 Portfolio theory & mathematical economics (PDF description of 381) Lecturers: Mr. Constantin Gurdgiev (Economics), Mr. Jaideep Roy (Economics)
412 Probability Lecturer: Prof. John Lewis
414 Complex analysis (PDF description of 414) Lecturer: Dr. Richard Timoney
428 Elliptic curves (PDF description of 428) Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Murphy
431 Fluid mechanics (PDF description of 431) Lecturer: Professor Lawrence Crane
432 Electromagnetic theory Lecturer: Dr. Nigel Buttimore
441 Quantum mechanics Lecturer: Dr. Michael Fry
443 Statistical physics (PDF description of 443) Lecturers: Professor Siddhartha Sen, Dr. Ivo Sachs
445 Group Theory and Topology in Physics (PDF description of 445) Lecturer: Dr. Conor Houghton
451 Applied Linear statistical models (PDF description of 451) Lecturers: Prof. John Haslett (Statistics), Dr. Cathal Walsh (Statistics)
454 Statistical inference (PDF description of 454) Lecturers: Dr. B. Murphy (Statistics), Dr. Simon Wilson (Statistics)
370S Applied Forecasting/Multivariate Linear Analysis (PDF description of 370S) Lecturers: Dr. Myra O'Regan (Statistics), Dr. Simon Wilson (Statistics)
463S Data Mining Lecturer: Dr. Myra O'Regan (Statistics)
471 Quantum computing Lecturer: Prof. T. Dorlas
4D4 Computer aided design Lecturer: Prof. Francis Neelamkavil (Computer Science)
499 Project (PDF description of 499) Lecturer: Dr. Richard Timoney

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Mathematics in Two-Subject Moderatorship 2001-02 (for the all combinations except Mathematics + Economics)

Junior Freshman Year

061 Practical computing 1 Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Murphy
111 Algebra 1 Lecturer: Dr. Donal O'Donovan
131 Mathematical Methods 1 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
151 Statistics and Probability 1 (PDF description of 151) Lecturer: Eamonn Mullins (Statistics)

All courses must be taken.

Senior Freshman Year

121 Analysis 1 (PDF description of 121) Lecturer: Prof. Trevor West
141 Mechanics 1 Lecturer: Dr. Michael Fry
161 Computation 1 (PDF description of 161) Lecturer: Dr. Sinéad Ryan

All courses must be taken.

Junior Sophister Year

In the Junior Sophister year, students take courses 211 and 221 and one other courses chosen from 212, 231, 241, 251, 261.

211 Algebra 2 (PDF description of 211) Lecturer: Prof. David Simms
221 Analysis 2 Lecturer: Prof. David Simms
212 Metric spaces and topology (PDF description of 212) Lecturer: Dr. Elisabetta Beltrami
231 Methods 2 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
241 Mechanics 2 (PDF description of 241) Lecturers: Professor Siddhartha Sen, Dr. Ivo Sachs
251 Statistics and Probability 2 (PDF description of 251) Lecturer: Dr. Krysztof Mosurski (Statistics)
261 Numerical analysis (PDF description of 261) Lecturer: Dr. Sinéad Ryan

Senior Sophister Year

In the Senior Sophister year, students who continue with Mathematics (rather than majoring in their other subject) take 3 courses except for those in the combination Mathematics and Philosophy who take 4 courses. Courses are chosen from those of 212, 231, 241, 251, 261 not taken in the Junior Sophister year and group III courses of the single honour course in Mathematics for which they have the prerequisites.

212 Metric spaces and topology (PDF description of 212) Lecturer: Dr. Elisabetta Beltrami
231 Methods 2 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
241 Mechanics 2 (PDF description of 241) Lecturers: Professor Siddhartha Sen, Dr. Ivo Sachs
251 Statistics and Probability 2 (PDF description of 251) Lecturer: Dr. Krysztof Mosurski (Statistics)
261 Numerical analysis (PDF description of 261) Lecturer: Dr. Sinéad Ryan
311 Abstract algebra (PDF description of 311) Lecturer: Dr. David Wilkins
363 Algorithms and complexity Lecturer: Dr. Colm Ó Dúnlaing
373 Finite fields and coding theory (PDF description of 373) Lecturers: Dr. Timothy Murphy, Dr. Michael Purser
381 Portfolio theory & mathematical economics (PDF description of 381) Lecturers: Mr. Constantin Gurdgiev (Economics), Mr. Jaideep Roy (Economics)
412 Probability Lecturer: Prof. John Lewis
414 Complex analysis (PDF description of 414) Lecturer: Dr. Richard Timoney
428 Elliptic curves (PDF description of 428) Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Murphy
451 Applied Linear statistical models (PDF description of 451) Lecturers: Prof. John Haslett (Statistics), Dr. Cathal Walsh (Statistics)
454 Statistical inference (PDF description of 454) Lecturers: Dr. B. Murphy (Statistics), Dr. Simon Wilson (Statistics)
370S Applied Forecasting/Multivariate Linear Analysis (PDF description of 370S) Lecturers: Dr. Myra O'Regan (Statistics), Dr. Simon Wilson (Statistics)

Mathematics (for the combination Mathematics + Economics) in Two-Subject Moderatorship 2001-02

There is a special programme for the combination Mathematics and Economics, where Mathematical courses normally within Economics are replaced by more substantial courses in Mathematics in the Junior Freshman Year, and Mathematical Economics courses may be taken as part of the Mathematics programme in the Sophister years.

Junior Freshman Year

Students take course 111, 121, 131 and 151. Courses 111, 121 and 131 make up the Mathematics result at the end of the year, while course 151 goes towards the Economics result.

061 Practical computing 1 Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Murphy
111 Algebra 1 Lecturer: Dr. Donal O'Donovan
121 Analysis 1 (PDF description of 121) Lecturer: Prof. Trevor West
131 Mathematical Methods 1 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
151 Statistics and Probability 1 (PDF description of 151) Lecturer: Eamonn Mullins (Statistics)

Senior Freshman Year

211 Algebra 2 (PDF description of 211) Lecturer: Prof. David Simms
221 Analysis 2 Lecturer: Prof. David Simms
251 Statistics and Probability 2 (PDF description of 251) Lecturer: Dr. Krysztof Mosurski (Statistics)

Junior Sophister Year

In the Junior Sophister year, students take course 381 and two other courses chosen from 212, 231, 261, 262 and group III courses of the single honour course in Mathematics for which they have the prerequisites.

381 Portfolio theory & mathematical economics (PDF description of 381) Lecturers: Mr. Constantin Gurdgiev (Economics), Mr. Jaideep Roy (Economics)
212 Metric spaces and topology (PDF description of 212) Lecturer: Dr. Elisabetta Beltrami
231 Methods 2 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
261 Numerical analysis (PDF description of 261) Lecturer: Dr. Sinéad Ryan
262 Computer Science 2 Lecturer: Glenn Strong (Computer Science)
311 Abstract algebra (PDF description of 311) Lecturer: Dr. David Wilkins
373 Finite fields and coding theory (PDF description of 373) Lecturers: Dr. Timothy Murphy, Dr. Michael Purser
412 Probability Lecturer: Prof. John Lewis
414 Complex analysis (PDF description of 414) Lecturer: Dr. Richard Timoney
428 Elliptic curves (PDF description of 428) Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Murphy
451 Applied Linear statistical models (PDF description of 451) Lecturers: Prof. John Haslett (Statistics), Dr. Cathal Walsh (Statistics)
454 Statistical inference (PDF description of 454) Lecturers: Dr. B. Murphy (Statistics), Dr. Simon Wilson (Statistics)
370S Applied Forecasting/Multivariate Linear Analysis (PDF description of 370S) Lecturers: Dr. Myra O'Regan (Statistics), Dr. Simon Wilson (Statistics)

Senior Sophister Year

In the Senior Sophister year, students who continue with Mathematics (rather than majoring in Economics) take 3 courses. Courses are chosen from 212, 231, 261 and group III courses of the single honour course in Mathematics for which the prerequisites have been satisfied. Economics course E4.09 may be taken as one of the 3 courses.

212 Metric spaces and topology (PDF description of 212) Lecturer: Dr. Elisabetta Beltrami
231 Methods 2 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
261 Numerical analysis (PDF description of 261) Lecturer: Dr. Sinéad Ryan
311 Abstract algebra (PDF description of 311) Lecturer: Dr. David Wilkins
363 Algorithms and complexity Lecturer: Dr. Colm Ó Dúnlaing
373 Finite fields and coding theory (PDF description of 373) Lecturers: Dr. Timothy Murphy, Dr. Michael Purser
412 Probability Lecturer: Prof. John Lewis
414 Complex analysis (PDF description of 414) Lecturer: Dr. Richard Timoney
428 Elliptic curves (PDF description of 428) Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Murphy
451 Applied Linear statistical models (PDF description of 451) Lecturers: Prof. John Haslett (Statistics), Dr. Cathal Walsh (Statistics)
454 Statistical inference (PDF description of 454) Lecturers: Dr. B. Murphy (Statistics), Dr. Simon Wilson (Statistics)
370S Applied Forecasting/Multivariate Linear Analysis (PDF description of 370S) Lecturers: Dr. Myra O'Regan (Statistics), Dr. Simon Wilson (Statistics)
4.09 (Economics) Quantitative Methods Lecturers: Mr Michael Harrison (Economics), Mr. Jaideep Roy (Economics)

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Mathematics in the Theoretical Physics Moderatorship 2001-02

Junior Freshman Year

061 Practical computing 1 Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Murphy
111 Algebra 1 Lecturer: Dr. Donal O'Donovan
121 Analysis 1 (PDF description of 121) Lecturer: Prof. Trevor West
131 Mathematical Methods 1 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
141 Mechanics 1 Lecturer: Dr. Michael Fry
161 Computation 1 (PDF description of 161) Lecturer: Dr. Sinéad Ryan

All courses must be taken.

Senior Freshman Year

211 Algebra 2 (PDF description of 211) Lecturer: Prof. David Simms
221 Analysis 2 Lecturer: Prof. David Simms
231 Methods 2 Lecturer: Prof. Petros Florides
241 Mechanics 2 (PDF description of 241) Lecturers: Professor Siddhartha Sen, Dr. Ivo Sachs

All courses must be taken.

Junior Sophister Year

Students take courses 342, 431, 432 and 441.

342 Numerical simulation of physical systems Lecturer: Dr. Mike Peardon
441 Quantum mechanics Lecturer: Dr. Michael Fry
432 Electromagnetic theory Lecturer: Dr. Nigel Buttimore
431 Fluid mechanics (PDF description of 431) Lecturer: Professor Lawrence Crane

Senior Sophister Year

Students take courses 343, 431 and 443 plus one other course from 412, 445 and 471.

343 Topics in Theoretical Physics (PDF description of 343) Lecturer: Prof. Luke Drury
431 Fluid mechanics (PDF description of 431) Lecturer: Professor Lawrence Crane
412 Probability Lecturer: Prof. John Lewis
443 Statistical physics (PDF description of 443) Lecturers: Professor Siddhartha Sen, Dr. Ivo Sachs
445 Group Theory and Topology in Physics (PDF description of 445) Lecturer: Dr. Conor Houghton
471 Quantum computing Lecturer: Prof. T. Dorlas

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Mathematics for Science Students 2001-02

Junior Freshman Year

For those taking Mathematics as a full subject, and taking Physics (A) take 061, 1S1, 1S2 and 1S3. Those not doing Physics (A) but taking Mathematics as a full subject take 061, 1S1, 1S3 and 1S4.

061 Practical computing 1 Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Murphy
1S1 Mathematics (Calculus) (PDF description of 1S1) Lecturer: Dr. Joe Ó hÓgáin
1S2 Mathematics (Linear algebra, physical applications) Lecturer: Dr. Brendan Redmond
1S3 Mathematics (Computation and calculus) (PDF description of 1S3) Lecturer: Dr. Richard Timoney
1S4 Mathematics (Linear algebra, biological applications) Lecturers: Dr. Nigel Buttimore, Dr. Elisabetta Beltrami

Those not taking Mathematics as a full subject take

123 Mathematical Methods (PDF description of 123) Lecturer: Samik Sen

Senior Freshman Year

2S1 Second Science Mathematics 1 (advanced calculus) (PDF description of 2S1) Lecturers: Dr. Ralph Kenna, Dr. Joe Ó hÓgáin
2S2 Second Science Mathematics 2 (linear algebra, differential equations) (PDF description of 2S2) Lecturer: Dr. Sara McMurry
161 Computation 1 (PDF description of 161) Lecturer: Dr. Sinéad Ryan

All courses must be taken.

Junior Sophister Year

Physics students take one course as part of the Physics course.

342 Numerical simulation of physical systems Lecturer: Dr. Mike Peardon

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Mathematics for Engineering and MSISS Students 2001-02

Junior Freshman Year

1E1 Lecturers: Dr. Elisabetta Beltrami, Samik Sen
1E2 Lecturer: Dr. Donal O'Donovan

Both courses must be taken.

Senior Freshman Year

2E1 (PDF description of 2E1) Lecturer: Prof. Trevor West
2E2 (PDF description of 2E2) Lecturer: Dr. Conor Houghton

Both courses are taken by Engineers, but MSISS take only 2E1.

Junior Sophister Year

3E1 (PDF description of 3E1) Lecturers: Dr. Ralph Kenna, Dr. Brendan Browne

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Mathematics for BA in Computer Science Students 2001-02

Junior Freshman Year

1BA1 Lecturer: Dr. Colm Ó Dúnlaing

Senior Freshman Year

2BA1 Lecturer: Dr. David Wilkins

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Mathematics Graduate Courses 2001-02

561 High Performance Computing Lecturer: Therese Enright
562 HPC Lab Lecturer: Dr. Mike Peardon
563 Simulations Lecturer: Dr. Mike Peardon
564 Emerging Technolgies Lecturer: Dr. Geoffrey Bradley
565 Financial applications of HPC Lecturer: AP
541 Quantum Field Theory Lecturer: Dr. Michael Fry
543 Geometry and Topology Lecturers: Dr. Conor Houghton, Prof. Charles Nash (Maynooth)

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Mathematics for Evening Students 2001-02

BT1 Lecturer: Dr. Brendan Browne
IS2 (PDF description of IS2) Lecturer: Dr. Brendan Browne