Welcome to my Academic homepage!

This page shall be used to document work that I completed throughout my BA at Trinity College Dublin and first MSc at the University of Edinburgh. My main area of interest in Physics is Computer Simulation. This is where we use computer algorithms to simulate physical systems. A natural framework for machine learning.

University of Edinburgh (MSc)

I completed a masters degree in High Performance Computing at the University of Edinburgh (2015-2016). In the links to the right I have included modules that are 100% continuous assessment. They contain a description of the asignment as well as my submitted solutions.

Trinity College Dublin (BA)

I completed a 4 years Bachelors of arts degree in Theroretical Physics at Trinity (2011-2015). Assessment in Trinty was generally focused on final year exam so there is not a huge amount of course work that is visable here. I do, however, have a few pieces of coursework and thesises from my final year, including my final year dissertation: Monte Carlo Simulations in the 2D Ising model.