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The Workshop

The William Rowan Hamilton Geometry and Topology Workshop is an annual directed workshop held at the Hamilton Mathematics Institute (HMI), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. The first two days of the workshop will consist of three mini-courses. The last three days will consist of research-oriented lectures.

The three mini-courses, each three hours long, will be held during August 22-23 at the HMI. They are as follows:

Sebastian Baader, 
Complex plane curves and positive braids.
Kristen Hendricks, Involutions and Floer homology.
Lenhard Ng, Knot contact homology and augmentation varieties.

These mini-courses are aimed at junior researchers
. Participants interested in attending should register online for funding to attend both the mini-courses and the lecture series.

The lecture series will be held during August 24-26 at the HMI. It will consist of talks on topics related to the conference theme of Low-dimensional topology, complex and symplectic geometry. These talks will convey recent advances in the field and propose future directions of study.


The goal of the William Rowan Hamilton Geometry and Topology Workshop is to provide a forum in which the international geometry and topology community can meet annually with its European counterpart to discuss topics of an interdisciplinary nature. A major anticipated outcome of these annual workshops is the determination of future research directions, and the generation of a list of open problems in the topics of focus. The workshop has a permanent website at, where these problem lists and any lecture notes that the participants provide will be posted. Furthermore, the HMI intends to have a preprint series, whereby hard copies of the workshop results can be disseminated to research institutions worldwide.

Boston College, the Hamilton Mathematics Institute, the National Science Foundation (via CAREER Grant DMS-1151671), and the Science Foundation of Ireland have generously provided funding to co-sponsor this event as part of their commitment to fostering ties between the US scientific community and the European scientific community.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, contact the organizers at

Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 2. Tel: +353-1-608-1000.
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