Jan Manschot

Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics

Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning



Contact details

School of Mathematics

Trinity College

Dublin 2



Hamilton Building

Office: 2.5

Telephone: +353 1 896 8516

Email: manschot AT maths.tcd.ie


Current teaching

·       Michaelmas Term: Mechanics (MAU11400)

·       Hilary Term: Advanced Quantum Field Theory (MAP50004)

·       Projects MAU44P00


Past teaching

·       Michaelmas Term: Mechanics (MAU11400)

·       Hilary term: Mechanics (MAU11400) , Quantum Mechanics II, Calculus on Manifolds

·       Projects in theoretical physics and/or mathematics: MAU44M00.



Research interests

My research considers fundamental aspects of quantum field theory, gravity and string theory. I am in particular interested in the dynamics of non-perturbative objects of these theories, such as instantons, monopoles, black holes and D-branes. My research is supported in part by the Irish Research Council.


Recent preprints and publications

1.     with Z.-Z. Wang, “The -Prescription for String Amplitudes and Regularized Modular Integrals”, arXiv:2411.02517

2.     "Four-Manifold Invariants and Donaldson-Witten Theory”, arXiv:2312.14709

3.     with J. Aspman and E. Furrer, "Topological twists of massive SQCD, Part II", arXiv:2312.11616

Part I & II combined is available here

4.     with A. Chattopadhyaya, "Numerical experiments on coefficients of instanton partition functions", arXiv:2301.06711

5.     with J. Aspman, "Decay channels for double extremal black holes in four dimensions", arXiv:2212.10645

6.     with S. Mondal, "Supersymmetric black holes and TT-deformation", arXiv:2207.01462

7.     with J. Aspman and E. Furrer, "Topological twists of massive SQCD, Part I", arXiv:2206.08943

8.     with S. Alexandrov, N. Gaddam, B. Pioline. "Modular bootstrap for D4-D2-D0 indices on compact Calabi-Yau threefolds", arXiv:2204.02207

9.     with J. Aspman and E. Furrer, "Four flavors, triality and bimodular forms", arXiv:2110.11969

10.  with A. Chattopadhyaya and S. Mondal, "Scaling Black Holes and Modularity", arXiv:2110.05504

11.  with J. Aspman and E. Furrer, "Cutting and gluing with running couplings in N=2 QCD", arXiv:2107.04600

12.  with G. W. Moore, "Topological correlators of SU(2), N=2* SYM on four-manifolds", arXiv:2104.06492

13.  with J. Aspman and E. Furrer, "Elliptic Loci of SU(3) Vacua", arXiv:2010.06598

14.  with G. Beaujard and B. Pioline, "Vafa-Witten invariants from exceptional collections", arXiv:2004.14466

15.  with G. W. Moore and X. Zhang, "Effective gravitational couplings of four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories", arXiv:1912.04091

16.  with G. Korpas, G. W. Moore, I. Nidaiev, "Mocking the u-plane integral", arXiv:1910.13410

17.  with S. Alexandrov, B. Pioline, "S-duality and refined BPS indices", arXiv:1910.03098

18.  with G. Korpas, G. W. Moore, I. Nidaiev, "Renormalization and BRST symmetry in Donaldson-Witten theory", arXiv:1901.03540

19.  "Vafa-Witten theory and iterated integrals of modular forms", arXiv:1709.10098

20.  with G. Korpas, "Donaldson-Witten theory and indefinite theta functions", arXiv:1707.06235

21.  with S. Alexandrov, S. Banerjee, B. Pioline, "Multiple D3-instantons and modular forms II", arXiv:1702.05497

22.  with S. Mozgovoy, "Intersection cohomology of moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces", arXiv:1612.07620

23.  with S. Alexandrov, S. Banerjee, B. Pioline, "Indefinite theta series and generalized error functions", arXiv:1606.05495

24.  with S. Alexandrov, S. Banerjee, B. Pioline, "Multiple D3-instantons and modular forms I", arXiv:1605.05945

25.  with K. Bringmann, and L. Rolen, "Identities for generalized Appell functions and the blow-up formula", arXiv:1510.00630

26.  with M. Z. Rolón, "The asymptotic profile of χy-genera of Hilbert schemes of points on K3 surfaces", arXiv:1411.1093

27.  "Sheaves on P2 and Generalized Appell Functions", arXiv:1407.7785

28.  “The Coulomb Branch Formula for Quiver Moduli Spaces”, arXiv:1404.7154      
The accompanying CoulombHiggs Mathematics package is available here.

See for a complete list for example: inspire or scholar.google.com



1.     Mittag-Leffler Institute, Djursholm, Enumerative Invariants, Quantum Fields and String Theory Correspondences, “Four-Manifold Invariants and Gauge Theory”, video

2.     Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, BPS Dynamics and Quantum Mathematics, “Path Integral Derivations of K-Theoretic Donaldson Invariants”, video

3.     Joint Mathematics Meeting 2024, San Francisco, “Mock Modular Forms and Instanton Partition Functions”, slides

4.     Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, Number Theory, Machine Learning and Quantum Black holes 2023, “Black Holes, TTbar Deformed Conformal Field Theory, and Weak Gravity”, video

5.     Strings in Seoul 2023, “Topological correlators of massive N=2SQCD and 5d N=1 YM”, video

6.     MSRI New Four-Dimensional Gauge Theories 2022, "Path integral derivations of Vafa-Witten and K-theoretic Donaldson invariants", video

7.     Dual Mystery Channel 2022, "Modular bootstrap for D4-D2-D0 indices on compact Calabi-Yau threefolds", video

8.     Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis and Physics, "Topological correlators of N=2* Yang-Mills theory", video

9.     Lisbon 2021, "Scaling Black Holes and Modularity", video, slides

10.  QASTM Zoominar series 2021, "Topological correlators of N=2* Yang-Mills theory", video, slides

11.  Sheffield 2021, "Topological gauge theory, quivers and flow trees", video, slides

12.  Lisbon seminar 2021, "Vafa-Witten theory and quivers", video

13.  Trinity College Open Day 2020, video slides

14.  ICTP 2019, "Mocking the u-plane integral and Donaldson invariants", Part 1, Part 2,

15.  Lectures at SCGP 2014, 2016 and 2019 link

16.  Strings 2013, "BPS bound states and quivers", video.


Past activities

Algebraic Structures in Gauge Theory and Geometry, 1-5 July 2024, Lorentz Center

Verlinde-Verlinde Symposium, 14-15 July 2022

Irish-French Ulysses Collaboration Mini-Workshop, 30 May - 1 June 2022

Irish Theoretical Physics 2022, 25-27 May 2022

Quantum Gravity and Modularity, 3-14 May 2021

Gauge Theory and Virtual Invariants, 13-17 May 2019

Indefinite Theta Functions and Applications in Physics & Geometry, 6-9 June 2017

Journées de Physique Mathématique Lyon "BPS states, Hitchin Systems and Quivers", 3-5 September 2014, proceedings are published in Confluentes Mathematici



Last update: 9 November 2024