Section Headings in LaTeX

Section headings of various sizes are produced (in the article document style) using the commands \section,\subsection and \subsubsection commands. LaTeX will number the sections and subsections automatically. The title of the section should be surrounded by braces and placed immediately after the relevant command. Thus if we type

\section{Section Headings}

We explain in this section how to obtain headings
for the various sections and subsections of our

\subsection{Headings in the `article' Document Style}

In the `article' style, the document may be divided up
into sections, subsections and subsubsections, and each
can be given a title, printed in a boldface font,
simply by issuing the appropriate command.
then the title of the section and that of the subsection will be printed in a large boldface font, and will be numbered accordingly.

Other document styles (such as the book and letter styles) have other `sectioning' commands available (for example, the book style has a \chapter command for beginning a new chapter).

Sometimes one wishes to suppress the automatic numbering provided by LaTeX. This can be done by placing an asterisk before the title of the section or subsection. Thus, for example, the section numbers in the above example could be suppressed by typing

\section*{Section Headings}

We explain in this section how to obtain headings
for the various sections and subsections of our

\subsection*{Headings in the `article' Document Style}

In the `article' style, the document may be divided up
into sections, subsections and subsubsections, and each
can be given a title, printed in a boldface font,
simply by issuing the appropriate command.