Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous

By George Berkeley.

Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, in opposition to Sceptics and Atheists is available here, in both an HTML version, and also in various printable formats.

The HTML version of this text is available as follows:

The Three Dialogues are also available (without the Dedication or Preface from the 1713 edition) in the following formats:
[PDF] [PostScript] [DVI] [Plain TeX]

This text is based on the edition of the Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous published with the Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge by Jacob Tonson in 1734, and (with a small number of exceptions) follows the spelling, capitalization and punctuation of the original.


David R. Wilkins
School of Mathematics
Trinity College, Dublin