School of Mathematics
Course 1S - Mathematics for Science students 1999-2000 (JF Mathematics as a whole subject within the Natural Science Moderatorships. JF Human Genetics. JF Computational Physics and Chemistry. JF Medicinal Chemistry. )
Lecturer: Dr. S. McMurry, Dr. B. Redmond, Dr. R. M. Timoney, Dr. N. H. Buttimore & Dr. T. G. Murphy
Requirements/prerequisites: None

Number of lectures per week: 8 lectures per week including course 061 (1 lecture per week for part of the year; separate course description)

Assessment: Those taking the Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics combinatin take parts 1, 2 and 3 together with 061. Others take parts 1, 3 and 4 together with 061. The three main sections of the course will count equally towards the overall result for the course. Two end-of-term assignments assignment will each count for 10% of the marks for section 2. Practical work, assignments, tutorial work and 061 assignment results will count for 1/4 of the marks for section 3, with the paper counting for the remaining 3/4.

End-of-year Examination: Three 3-hour exams on each section, papers 1, 2, 3 and 4


Section 1 Dr. S. McMurry

There is a web page for this part of the course, which is upmydated during the year. The address is

Section 2 Dr. B. Redmond

Vectors and linear algebra, differential equations, and applications to physical examples.

More detailed outline:

Section 3 Dr. R. M. Timoney

There is a web page for this part of the course, which is upmydated during the year. The address is

Section 4 Dr. N. H. Buttimore

Vectors and linear algebra, differential equations, and applications to biological examples.

More detailed outline:

Essential Reference

  1. Howard Anton, Calculus: a new horizon (6th edition), Wiley, 1998.

Recommended references

  1. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra applications version, (7th edition) Wiley 1994.

  2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, (7th edition) Wiley, 1993.
  3. Kenneth A. Stroud, Engineering mathematics : programmes and problems, (4th edition) Macmillan, 1995.
  4. S. Wolfram, Mathematica a system for doing mathematics by computer, Addison-Wesley (3rd edition) 1996, published by Wolfram Media and Cambridge University Press.

  5. G. B. Thomas & R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry (9th edition), Addison Wesley, 1996.

Oct 8, 1999