School of Mathematics School of Mathematics
Course 1S4 - Mathematics for Science students 2003-04 (JF Mathematics as a whole subject within the Natural Science Moderatorships (those not taking Physics). JF Human Genetics. JF Medicinal Chemistry. )
Lecturer: Dr. N. H. Buttimore
Requirements/prerequisites: None

Number of lectures per week: 2 lectures per week, plus a tutorial every third week.
Assessment: Assignments will count for ?% of the mark.
End-of-year Examination: Three hour exam. Result is combined with results of 1S1 and 1S3.



  1. H. Anton & R. C. Busby, Comtemporary Linear Algebra, John Wiley
  2. H. Anton & C. Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra: applications version, John Wiley
  3. David C. Lay, Linear Algebra and its applications, Addison-Wesley Longman.
  4. Ron Larson & B. Edwards, Elementary Linear Algebra, Houghton Mifflin Company

May 18, 2004

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On 18 May 2004, 10:51.