School of Mathematics School of Mathematics
Course 3E1 2003-04 (JS Engineering, option JS MSISS )
Lecturer: Dr John Stalker
Requirements/prerequisites: 2E1 and 2E2 (Calculus and elementary ODE. Laplace transforms. Theory of series.)

Duration: 22 weeks

Number of lectures per week: 2 lectures plus 1 tutorial

Assessment: Weekly tutorial problems.

End-of-year Examination: One 3-hour examination

Description: This course follows on directly from 2E1/2E2 and develops the mathematics of engineering and physics. It covers Fourier series, Fourier transforms, partial differential equations, linear programming and optimisation, complex analysis.

The main topics are stable, but the list of subtopics is subject to change, particularly those towards the end of the course.


There is no formal textbook for the course. You can find dozens of books with mytitles like `Advanced Engineering Mathematics' or `Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers' which cover most of the material for the course. In the library you should be able to find one which has a style of presentation you like and which covers most of the topics listed below. When I cover topics which are harder to find I will suggest references.

Oct 17, 2004

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