Account of the Commercium Epistolicum.

Around the end of the year 1712, the Royal Society of London published the Commercium Epistolicum Collinii & aliorum, De Analysi promota, a collection of correspondence relevant to the priority dispute between Newton and Leibniz regarding the invention of the Infinitesimal Calculus (called by Newton the Method of Fluxions).

An `Account' of the Commercium Epistolicum was subsequently published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the months of January and February that concluded the year 1714 in the Julian Calendar then used in England (being the first two months in the Gregorian Calendar then used on the Continent of Europe, and now universally employed). This Account appeared anonymously, but is known to have been written by Isaac Newton.

This Account is available here in PDF and PostScript formats (for viewing and printing), together with source code in the form of input files for Plain TeX and METAPOST (for the figures):


D.R. Wilkins
School of Mathematics
Trinity College, Dublin