History of Mathematics Links:
Sites relating to Individual Mathematicians
The following sites or sections of sites relate to the life and work
of individual mathematicians. Other sites which provide biographical
information on substantial numbers of mathematicians are listed under
Biographies of Mathematicians,
and under
Biographies of Scientists.
The listing below is in approximately chronological order.
- Euclid's Elements (David E. Joyce, Clark University)
- The Visual Elements of Euclid (Ralph Abraham)
- Euclid's Elements of Geometry (Richard Fitzpatrick, University of Texas)
- Els Elements d'Euclides - Los elementos de Euclides (in Catalan and Spanish, Jaume Domenech Larraz)
- Euclid's Elements (The Perseus Project, Tufts University)
- Oliver Byrne's edition of Euclid
- Eratosthenes of Cyrene (Peter Alfeld, University of Utah)
- OLD URL www.mcs.drexel.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/contents.html" Archimedes Home Page (Chris Rorres)
- The Archimedes Palimpsest (Walters Art Gallery)
- The Legacy of Archimedes (Ilan Vardi, École Polytechnique)
- Archimedes' Approximation of Pi (Chuck Lindsay, Florida Gulf Coast University)
- Ptolemy's Table of Chords, by Glenn Elert (Columbia University)
- Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section (Dr. Ron Knott, University of Surrey)
- Fibonacci (c.1175 - c.1240) mathematician (Clark Kimberling, University of Evansville)
- Adam Ries (in German)
- The John Dee Society
- The Galileo Project (Rice University)
- Fermat's little theorem, by John Cosgrave (St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra)
- Isaac Newton Resources (Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge University)
- Cambridge University Library: Papers of Sir Isaac Newton
- The Newton Project
- Newton and the Moon, by Nicholas Kollerstrom (University College London)
- Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) (David R. Wilkins, Trinity College Dublin)
- Leibniz-Edition (Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft)
- Leibnitiana (Gregory Brown, University of Houston)
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Texts and Translations (Donald Rutherford, University of California, San Diego)
- G. W. Leibniz - an Universal Philosopher (Markku Roinila, University of Helsinki)
- George Berkeley (David R. Wilkins, Trinity College Dublin)
- The Euler Society
- The Euler Archive
- OLD URL www.leonhard-euler.ch/" The Euler Commission
- Mathematics and Passion in the Life of Thomas Jefferson, by John Fauvel (Open University)
- Gauss-Gesellschaft e.V. Göttingen (in German)
- OLD URL www.dundeecity.gov.uk/centlib/ivory/ivorybio.htm" Sir James Ivory (Dundee Central Library) [LINK FAILED: 2016-06-01]
- George Green - Mathematician, Physicist and Miller (University of Nottingham Physics Department)
- OLD URL www.maa.org/sites/default/files/images/images/upload_library/22/Ford/Rothman84-106.pdf" Genius and Biographers: the Fictionalization of Evariste Galois, by Tony Rothman (University of Texas, Austin)
- The Evariste Galois archive, by Bernard Bychan
- Mechanism of the Heavens, by Mary Somerville (Russell McNeil, Malaspina University College)
- Sir William Rowan Hamilton (David R. Wilkins, Trinity College Dublin)
- Hermann Grassmann - papers and translations by Desmond Fearnley-Sander (University of Tasmania)
- Provisional Bibliography of Peter Guthrie Tait (Chris Pritchard)
- The Analytical Engine (of Charles Babbage) (John Walker, Fourmilab)
- Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace (1815-1852), by Dr. Betty Toole (Yale)
- George Book 200 (University College, Cork)
- George Boole's The Calculus of Logic (David R. Wilkins, Trinity College Dublin)
- George Boole - The Lincoln Genius, by Eileen Harrison
- The James Clerk Maxwell Foundation
- A visit to James Clerk Maxwell's house (MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, St. Andrews)
- Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (David R. Wilkins, Trinity College Dublin)
- Bernhard Riemann, by Dr. Dörte Haftendorn (Johanneum Lüneburg) (in German)
- Karl Pearson: A Reader's Guide, by John Aldrich (University of Southampton)
- Felix Klein 1849-1925 (Technische Universität München) (in German) (link gonei 7/2018)
- Frank Morley (1860-1937) (Clark Kimberling, University of Evansville)
- OLD URL "www.rds.ie/index.jsp?p=173&n=195" George Francis Fitzgerald Letters (Royal Dublin Society)
- George Francis FitzGerald, 1851-1901, by J. M. D. Coey (Trinity College, Dublin)
- Einstein: Image and Impact (Center for History of Physics, AIP)
- Albert Einstein Online (Steven Friedman, University of Pennsylvania)
- Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951): Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerishen Akademi der Wissenschaften, München) (in German)
- Emmy Noether, Mentors and Colleagues (Clark Kimberling, University of Evansville)
- Korrespondenz Hasse-Noether (Franz Lemmermeyer, Bilkent University, and Peter Roquette, Heidelberg)
- The Kurt Gödel Society
- The Alan Turing Home Page (Andrew Hodges, Oxford)
- OLD URL "www.physics.ncsu.edu/lanczos/" Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with Commentaries
- The Work of Robert Langlands
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History of Mathematics Links
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Maintained by
David R. Wilkins
School of Mathematics
Trinity College, Dublin