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Paris-Erdogan Equation

The Paris-Erdogan equation is derived from empirical considerations, and has no real theoretical basis. The equation models the relationship between the velocity of crack propagation and an abstract quantity called the range of stress intensity, which describes the magnitude of the stress at the crack tip. This range is denoted tex2html_wrap_inline1963 and is usually defined as tex2html_wrap_inline1965 , where the constant Q reflects the crack geometry, tex2html_wrap_inline1969 is the stress range, and a is the length of the crack.

The form of the Paris-Erdogan equation is


where C and m are regarded as material constants that depend upon factors such as frequency, temperature and stress ratio. The stress ratio, which is defined to be tex2html_wrap_inline1977 has an important effect on crack growth, according to [2], but does not explicitly appear in Paris-Erdogan.

The Paris-Erdogan equation gives good results for long cracks when the material constants are known, but a large effort is required to determine them, since they are functions of many variables. R is an observable and where it appears in the model explicitly, the effort in determining the remaining material constants is much reduced. An empirical equation which incorporates the stress ratio, R, is the Forman equation.

Cathal Walsh
Sat Jan 22 17:09:53 GMT 2000