Professional page of Vladimir Dotsenko


  1. Murray Bremner and Vladimir Dotsenko, Algebraic Operads: An Algorithmic Companion, Chapman and Hall / CRC Press, 2016, xviii+365 pp.

Submitted papers

  1. Vladimir Dotsenko, Word operads and admissible orderings, arXiv:1907.03992.
  2. Vladimir Dotsenko, Functorial PBW theorems for post-Lie algebras, arXiv:1903.04435.
  3. Vladimir Dotsenko, Homotopy invariants for M0,n via Koszul duality, arXiv:1902.06318.
  4. Vladimir Dotsenko, Sergey Shadrin, and Bruno Vallette, The twisting procedure, arXiv:1810.02941.
  5. Vladimir Dotsenko and Pedro Tamaroff, Endofunctors and Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorems, arXiv:1804.06485.
  6. Vladimir Dotsenko, Martin Markl, and Elisabeth Remm, Non-Koszulness of operads and positivity of Poincaré series, arXiv:1604.08580.

Refereed journal papers (published / in press)

  1. Vladimir Dotsenko, Martin Markl, and Elisabeth Remm, Veronese powers of operads and pure homotopy algebras, arXiv:1706.04893, Eur. J. Math., to appear.
  2. Murray Bremner and Vladimir Dotsenko, Boardman-Vogt tensor products of absolutely free operads, arXiv:1705.04573, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, to appear.
  3. Vladimir Dotsenko, Sergey Shadrin, and Bruno Vallette, Toric varieties of Loday's associahedra and noncommutative cohomological field theories, arXiv:1510.03261, J. Topology 12 (2019), 463-535.
  4. Vladimir Dotsenko, Algebraic structures of F-manifolds via pre-Lie algebras, arXiv:1706.07340, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 198 (2019), no. 2, 517-527.
  5. Vladimir Dotsenko, A Quillen adjunction between algebras and operads, Koszul duality, and the Lagrange inversion formula, arXiv:1606.08222, Int. Math. Res. Notices, Vol. 2017: article ID rnx257, 21 pages.
  6. Murray Bremner and Vladimir Dotsenko, Classification of regular parametrised one-relation operads, arXiv:1507.06372, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 69 (2017), no. 5, 992-1035.
  7. Vladimir Dotsenko and Soutrik Roy Chowdhury, Anick resolution and Koszul algebras of finite global dimension, arXiv:1605.06983, Communications in Algebra, 45 (2017), no. 12, 5380-5383.
  8. Vladimir Dotsenko, Sergey Shadrin, and Bruno Vallette, Pre-Lie deformation theory, arXiv:1502.03280, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 16 (2016), no. 3, 505-543.
  9. Vladimir Dotsenko and Norbert Poncin, A tale of three homotopies, arXiv:1208.4695, Applied Categorical Structures, 24 (2016), Issue 6, 845-873.
  10. Vladimir Dotsenko, Sergey Shadrin, and Bruno Vallette, Givental action and trivialisation of circle action, arXiv:1304.3343, Journal of École Polytechnique - Mathematiques, 2 (2015), 213-246.
  11. Vladimir Dotsenko, Sergey Shadrin, and Bruno Vallette, De Rham cohomology and homotopy Frobenius manifolds, arXiv:1203.5077, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 17 (2015), 535-547.
  12. Vladimir Dotsenko and James Griffin, Cacti and filtered distributive laws, arXiv:1109.5345, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 14 (2014), issue 6, 3185-3225.
  13. Vladimir Dotsenko, Dual alternative algebras in characteristic three, arXiv:1111.2289, Communications in Algebra, 42 (2014), Issue 5, 1911-1920.
  14. Vladimir Dotsenko and Anton Khoroshkin, Quillen homology for operads via Gröbner bases, arXiv:1203.5053, Documenta Mathematica, 18 (2013), 707-747.
  15. Vladimir Dotsenko and Bruno Vallette, Higher Koszul duality for associative algebras, arXiv:1201.6509, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 55 (2013), issue A, 55-74.
  16. Vladimir Dotsenko, Sergey Shadrin, and Bruno Vallette, Givental group action on topological field theories and homotopy Batalin--Vilkovisky algebras. arXiv:1112.1432, Advances in Mathematics 236 (2013) 224–256.
  17. Vladimir Dotsenko and Anton Khoroshkin, Shuffle algebras, homology, and consecutive pattern avoidance, arXiv:1109.2690, Algebra & Number Theory, 7 (2013), No. 3, 673–700
  18. Vladimir Dotsenko, Pattern avoidance in labelled trees, arXiv:1110.0844, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B67b (2012), 27 pp.
  19. Vladimir Dotsenko and Anton Khoroshkin, Gröbner bases for operads, arXiv:0812.4069, Duke Math. J., Volume 153, Number 2 (2010), 363-396.
  20. Sergey Cherkis, Vladimir Dotsenko, and Christian Saemann, On Superspace Actions for Multiple M2-Branes, Metric 3-Algebras and their Classification, arXiv:0812.3127, Phys. Rev. D, 79, 086002 (2009), 11 pages.
  21. Vladimir Dotsenko, Parking functions and vertex operators, arXiv:0809.3683, Selecta Mathematica, 14: 2 (2009), 229-245.
  22. Vladimir Dotsenko, Compatible associative products and trees, arXiv:0809.1773, Algebra & Number Theory, 3 (2009), no. 5, 567-586.
  23. Vladimir Dotsenko, An operadic approach to deformation quantization of compatible Poisson brackets, I, arXiv:math/0611154, J. Gen. Lie Theory and Appl., 1 (2007), No. 2, 107-115.
  24. Mikhail Bershtein, Vladimir Dotsenko, and Anton Khoroshkin, Quadratic algebras related to the bihamiltonian operad, arXiv:math/0607289, Int. Math. Res. Notices Vol. 2007: article ID rnm122, 30 pages.
  25. Vladimir Dotsenko and Anton Khoroshkin, Character formulas for the operad of two compatible brackets and for the bi-Hamiltonian operad, arXiv:math/0605233, Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 41 (2007), no.1, 1-17.
  26. Vladimir Dotsenko, Homology of the Lie algebra of vector fields on a line with coefficients in symmetric powers of its adjoint representation, Functional analysis and its applications, 40 (2006), no.2, 13-19. Journal version
  27. V.Dotsenko, N.Iyudu, and D.Korytin, An analogue of the Magnus problem for associative algebras, arXiv:0801.3009, J. Math.Sci (New York), 131, no. 6 (2005), 6023-6026.

Refereed conference proceedings

  1. Vladimir Dotsenko, Operads, Oberwolfach Reports, 11 (2014), no. 1, 601-604.
  2. Vladimir Dotsenko and Mikael Vejdemo Johansson, Implementing Gröbner bases for operads, arXiv:0909.4950, Séminaires et Congrès, Volume 26 (2011), 77-98.
  3. Vladimir Dotsenko, Freeness theorems for operads via Gröbner bases, arXiv:0907.4958, Séminaires et Congrès, Volume 26 (2011), 61-76.
  4. Vladimir Dotsenko and Mikael Vejdemo Johansson, Operadic Gröbner bases: an implementation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6327 (2010), 249-252.

Expository publications

  1. Vladimir Dotsenko, Arithmetics of quadratic forms, Moscow, MCCME publishers, 2015, 40 pages. (in Russian).
  2. Vladimir Dotsenko, Review of the book "Alan M. Turing" by Sara Turing, Irish Math. Soc. Bulletin Number 70, Winter 2012, 54-57.
  3. Vladimir Dotsenko, Remembering Jean-Louis Loday, 2012.
  4. Vladimir Dotsenko, Two languages for connections in principal bundles: proofs of basic results (supplemental notes to one of the classes in a master course), 2012.
  5. Vladimir Dotsenko, Pseudo-characters, expository notes for a session of Number Theory group discussing deformations of Galois representations, 2011.
  6. Vladimir Dotsenko and Constantin Shramov, Об одной хорошо забытой старой задаче [On a well forgotten maths problem], Quant, 4 (2009), 34-36 (in Russian).
  7. Vladimir Dotsenko, Rafail Gordin, Alexander Shen and Constantin Shramov, Избранные задачи вступительных экзаменов в математические классы школы 57 [Selected problems from entrance exams to specialized maths classes in high school N 57, Moscow], Quant, 4 (2009), 57-58 (in Russian).
  8. Vladimir Dotsenko, Заметки о случайных изоморфизмах [Notes on casual isomorphisms], Math. Education, 12 (2008), 81-94 (in Russian).
  9. Vladimir Dotsenko (ed.), Задачи по математике, предлагавшиеся ученикам математического класса 57 школы (выпуск 2004 года, класс "Д") [Collected mathematical problems used for an advanced course in mathematics at the high school N 57, Moscow ("D" class, graduated 2004)], MCCME publishers, 2004, 220 pages (in Russian).
  10. Vladimir Dotsenko, Задачи о метрических компактах [Some problems on compact metric spaces], Math. Education, 8 (2004), 237-238 (in Russian).
  11. Vladimir Dotsenko, Числа Каталана и естественные отображения [Catalan numbers and natural maps], in Saint--Petersburg Mathematical Olympiad 2003, SPb, Nevskii Dialekt publishers, 2003; 2nd edition in Collected materials of summer camps of the Tournament of Towns, MCCME publishers, 2009, 31 pages (in Russian).
  12. Vladimir Dotsenko, Об одном доказательстве теоремы Гильберта о нулях [A proof of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz], Math. Education, 6 (2002), 116-118 (in Russian).

Preprints superseded by other articles or not intended for publication

  1. Vladimir Dotsenko, Free Lie algebras are not Lily bialgebras, a version of a letter to Jean-Louis Loday, 2011.
  2. Vladimir Dotsenko and Anton Khoroshkin, Free resolutions via Gröbner bases, arXiv:0912.4895.
  3. Vladimir Dotsenko and Anton Khoroshkin, Anick-type resolutions and consecutive pattern avoidance, arXiv:1002.2761.
  4. Vladimir Dotsenko, A remark on Frobenius characters of set representations of symmetric groups, arXiv:0802.1340.


The person who is solely responsible for the choice of content on this page is Vladimir Dotsenko. Any views expressed here do not necessarily represent the official views of Trinity College Dublin.