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Analysis Seminar Archive for 2012-13

Tuesday 2nd October, 2012 (place: TCD EELT1 ) 4:00pm

Speaker: D. McConnell
Title:Glimm ideals of the minimal tensor product of C*-algebras

Tuesday 9th October (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: H. Render
Title:On harmonic functions vanishing on the boundary of a cylinder

Tuesday 9th October (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: R. Smith
Title:Isomorphic polyhdedrality and countable decompositions

Tuesday 16th October, 2012 (place: TCD WR20 ) 3:30pm

Speaker: M. Ghergu
Title:Singular solutions of elliptic equations in punctured balls

Friday 19th October, 2012 (place: TCD Synge LT ) 4:00pm

Speaker: V. Paulsen (Houston)
Title:The Kadison-Singer Problem

Tuesday 23rd October (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: B. Twomey (UCC)
Title:Dirichlet-type spaces and boundary behaviour

Tuesday 23rd October (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: P. Hoffmann
Title:On $(m,p)$-isometric and $(m,\infty)$-isometric operator tuples

Tuesday 30th October (place: TCD WR20 ) 2:30pm

Speaker: M. Mackey
Title:More on local derivations

Tuesday 30th October (place: TCD WR20 ) 4:00pm

Speaker: N. Snigireva
Title:Inhomogeneous iterated function systems

Tuesday 6th November (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: C. Boyd
Title:Complex extreme points of Marcinkiewicz sequence spaces

Tuesday 6th November (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: S. J. Gardiner
Title:Universal Taylor Series and conformal mappings

Tuesday 13th November (place: TCD WR20 ) 2:30pm

Speaker: R. Levene
Title:Norms of Schur idempotents

Tuesday 13th November (place: TCD WR20 ) 4:00pm

Speaker: R. Timoney
Title:Universally reversible JC*-triples as operator spaces

Tuesday 20th November (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: M. Manolaki
Title:Unboundedness of universal Taylor series on arbitrary domains

Tuesday 20th November (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: A. Brown

Tuesday 27th November (place: TCD WR20 ) 2:30pm

Speaker: Le Hai Khoi (NTU Singapore)
Title:Composition operators on Dirichlet series with real frequencies

Tuesday 27th November (place: TCD WR20 ) 4:00pm

Speaker: R. Timoney
Title:The work of Trevor West (1)

Tuesday 29th January, 2013 (place: UCD Ag 1.01 ) 4:00pm

Speaker: I. Todorov (QUB)
Title:Subspaces of $VN(G)$ and bimodules over maximal abelian selfadjoint algebras

Tuesday 5th February (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: G. Geh\'er (Szeged)
Title:Tree-shift operators, Asymptotic Behaviour and Cyclic Properties

Tuesday 5th February (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: M. Ghergu
Title:The Gelfand problem for the biharmonic operator

Tuesday 12th February (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: T. Samuel (Bremen)
Title:Embedding the dynamics of Lorenz maps in linear systems

Abstract In 1965 Parry proved that any topological mixing interval map with a finite number of discontinuities is topologically conjugate to a unique piecewise continuous map $U: [0, 1] \to [0,1]$ whose derivative is constant everywhere, apart from at a finite number of points. When restricting to Lorenz maps, Hubbard and Sparrow and independently Barnsley, Harding and Vince proved that the kneading sequence of the critical point fully determines $U$. In this talk I will begin by reviewing these results and then I would like to present recent joint work with Nina Snigireva and Andrew Vince. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the dynamics of a given Lorenz map to be fully embedded in the dynamics of a uniform Lorenz map will be discussed. As an application of this embedding result, we describe a simple algorithm for calculating the topological entropy of a Lorenz map. If time permits, the talk will then end with some related open questions, which Snigireva and I are currently working towards solving. (This is joint work with N. Snigireva (University College Dublin) and A. Vince (University of Florida)

Tuesday 12th February (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: H. Render
Title:On Bernstein Operators fixing the constant function and a polynomial

Tuesday 19th February (place: TCD WR20 ) 2:30pm

Speaker: R. Harte
Title:Taylor exactness, SVEP and spectral mapping theorems

Tuesday 19th February (place: TCD WR20 ) 4:00pm

Speaker: D. McConnell
Title:The Dauns-Hofmann theorem and minimal tensor products

Tuesday 26th February (place: TCD WR20 ) 2:30pm

Speaker: F. Howard
Title:Topological stable rank of Douglas algebras

Tuesday 26th February (place: TCD WR20 ) 4:00pm

Speaker: R. Smith
Title:Baire category and non-Gruenhage spaces

Tuesday 5th March (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: B. McKay (UCC)
Title:The Hartogs phenomenon for holomorphic geometric structures

Tuesday 5th March (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: V. Bible
Title:Smooth renormings of Banach spaces

Tuesday 19th March (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: S. J. Gardiner
Title:Stationary boundary points for a Laplacian growth problem

Tuesday 19th March (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: P. Hoffmann
Title:$(2,p)$-isometric and $(2, \infty)$-isometric operator tuples

Tuesday 26th March (place: TCD WR20 ) 2:30pm

Speaker: M. Venkova
Title:Holomorphic bases for subspaces of a Banach space

Tuesday 26th March (place: TCD WR20 ) 4:00pm

Speaker: N. Snigireva
Title:Divergence points and Normal Numbers

Tuesday 9th April (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: W. Hansen (Bielefeld)
Title:Champagne subdomains with unavoidable bubbles

Tuesday 9th April (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: C. Boyd
Title:Isometries of weighted spaces of holomorphic functions

Tuesday 16th April (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 3:00pm

Speaker: P. Mellon
Title:Dynamics of biholomorphic maps on bounded symmetric domains

Tuesday 16th April (place: UCD Ag. 1.01 ) 4:15pm

Speaker: M. Manolaki

Tuesday 23rd April (place: TCD WR20 ) 2:30pm

Speaker: J. Boland
Title:On operators approximable by hypercyclic operators

Tuesday 23rd April (place: TCD WR20 ) 4:00pm

Speaker: F. Holland (UCC)
Title:On the Mortell-Seymour functional equation---a problem in search of a solution

Thursday 9th May, 2013 (place: UCD Ag 1.01 ) 3:30pm

Speaker: David Kribs (Guelph)
Title:Quantum information via subsystems

Abstract In this talk, I'll give an overview of some of my work over the past few years on the underlying mathematics for quantum information. Specifically I'll focus on the use and development of "operator techniques" in fields such as quantum error correction and quantum cryptography. This typically involves viewing qubits as encoded into quantum subsystems; an approach that naturally lends itself to connections with operator theory and operator algebras.

C. Boyd , R. Timoney.