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Trinity College Dublin


1S1 Mathematics for Science Students

Conor Houghton

Tuesdays at noon, McNeill
Thursdays at 4pm, McNeill

This lecture course will mostly deal with calculus. The first half is lectured by me, Conor Houghton. It will be very similar to the course Sergey Cherkis taught last year. The second half is lectured by Pete Karageorgis

My email address is and my office is at the top of the maths department, half way between the discussion room and Donal O'Donavan's office. If you want to contact me anonymously, for example to complain about the course, you can use the feedback facility linked from the sidebar. I also intend to give a one line description of each lecture as I go along; again, this is linked from the side bar.

The problems sheets make up 10% of the final mark and the summer exam the remaining 90%. There will be a tutorial every second week.

To do:

  • A note containing plots comparing functions to their Taylor expansions - done.
  • A revision note on the binomial theorem.
  • Around easter prepare a sample paper with Pete - I have added a note on exam questions.
  • A note on l'Hopital's theorem since it isn't in the book.

The picture is a painting of Vesuvius by Wright of Dervy. As a photograph of a painting from 1774, it is in the public domain.