School of Mathematics School of Mathematics
Course 2E2 - Engineering Mathematics IV 2011 (SF Engineering & MSISS& MEMS )
Lecturer: Dr. D. Zaitsev
Requirements/prerequisites: 1E1, 1E2

Duration: 12 weeks

Number of lectures per week: 3 + 1 tutorial

Assessment: Tutorial sheets/assignments counting 15% and Final Exam 85%
ECTS credits:
End-of-year Examination: One 2 hour examination (Final Exam in May).

Description:   See for more information.

Objectives. The objectives of this course are to give the participants a basic grounding in the mathematics that underlies virtually all of the applications of the mathematics to engineering and to promote an ability among the participants to apply this knowledge to new situations.


Linear Algebra. This continues the study of linear algebra begun in 1E02.
Textbook: Elementary Linear Algebra (with applications), Anton & Rorres, Chapters 4-7.

Fourier Series, Fourier Transform. This is new, heavily relying on the theories of linear algebra.
Textbook: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Kreyszig, Chapter 10.

Dec 13, 2010

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