Timetable for finite temperature and density: ninth session

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Session chair: Mike Teper
Time Presenter Title
Fri 14:10-14:30 Olaf Kaczmarek Heavy quark free and internal energies in 2-flavor QCD
Fri 14:30-14:50 Matthias Doring Heavy quark free energies and Debye screening masses at finite temperature and density
Fri 14:50-15:10 Kay Huebner Heavy two- and three-quark free energies at finite T
Fri 15:10-15:30 Michael Ogilvie Non-universality of string tension ratios and gluon confinement at finite temperature
Fri 15:30-15:50 Ferdinando Gliozzi Screening of sources in higher representations of SU(N) gauge theories finite temperature